
Raleigh Fellows 2017 #RFA

By Ashley Crutchfield 

Another start to another year and time is already flying by. People often ask me how does it feel to invest so much time into a group of Fellows and then transition year after year to a new class. It feels... it feels like a big Christmas present every September with the most beautiful wrapping paper and ribbons and so much anticipation for what's inside. I know just a little about each Fellow before they arrive, and of course I've put them all in neat little boxes of who I think they are and what they will be like. It takes no time at all during our annual Orientation Beach Retreat for them to quickly bust out of these boxes I've created. I find humor in unexpected places, vulnerability and depth with strangers, playfulness and games that create trust (ok, not including Killer Killer), beach walks that give space to listen and share stories, favorite kinds of music, and times of prayer and devotions that draw these 9 people into deeper community with both themselves and their Creator. I've just unwrapped a gorgeous gift to find an even better treasure inside. These Fellows. They are kind, generous, thoughtful, deeply loving towards each other, curious to know each person more, funny, deep, intelligent, the kind of people with whom I want to spend time. I feel blessed and grateful to work along side such creative and gifted people for the next 9 months, and hopefully beyond. Fellows 2017, I'm loving this year so far and so excited to spend more time with each of you as we journey together through this year. My prayer is that you will continue in the ways of Colossians 3:12-17 this year. 

Colossians 3:12-17 Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity. Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.



A Day at the Farm

It’s no secret I love animals.  My high school college tours often turned into zoo tours, as my mom and I would see the campus and then go see the local zoo.  So naturally, when I came to Raleigh, I tried to look up the nearest zoo.  Apparently there is no Raleigh zoo.  But who needs that when you have Farmer Mary?

In my quest to find a zoo, I stumbled upon a small farm in Wake Forest.  From what I saw on the website, I imagined a quaint little barn surrounded by some pastures with bunnies and lambs where we might feed some animals and afterwards have a nice picnic.  It stated that Farmer Mary was the owner and that she would be happy for anyone to visit her farm, as long as she was texted ahead of time.  Some of the other fellows wanted to accompany me, so I texted Farmer Mary and told her we wanted to come.  Despite her rather brief responses (two one-word texts which made me slightly nervous), one Saturday afternoon, Alison, Emily, Alex, Katherine (a friend visiting from out of town), and I drove up to Wake Forest, cautiously optimistic.  The best word I can use to describe the scene we arrived at is ratchet: a wooden fence surrounded a kind of barnyard containing various pens and furniture/debris.  At the back was an old house – evidently Farmer Mary’s abode, and the other two sides of the “yard” furthest from the street were pastures/enclosures for the larger animals.  To top it all off, there were a variety of animals freely roaming about.

We entered through a gate and were greeted by Farmer Mary herself, dressed in overalls with long grey hair.  We’d brought snacks for the animals, and she led us over to a station to chop up some of the fruits and vegetables and divvy up the food into buckets for each of us.  She had a no-nonsense attitude and didn’t hesitate to immediately tell us the story of how she’d come to be the proprietor of such an establishment.  (We found her to be a brilliant businesswoman: not only does she charge admission, but people bring food to feed her animals, and unwanted animals are often dropped off at her doorstep.)  She then proceeded to show us around the farm.  One of the first animals we encountered was a very pregnant goat on a leash.  Farmer Mary opened the pen, asked, “Who wants a goat?” and thrust it into the first willing hand.  She also handed us a lamb that was just a few weeks old, much to the dismay of the mother, which followed us around bleating while we tried to hide from her.  There were emus (which we fed out of our hands – a somewhat terrifying experience), donkeys, chickens, pigs, peacocks, turkeys, dogs, cats, and guinea pigs (and I wouldn’t be surprised if there were others).  But by far the best part was when I found myself with six tiny bunnies in my lap.  I don’t know what happened after that because I got off the tour and held them for a while as they fell asleep on top of each other.  If that’s not a great day then I don’t know what is.



He Is Risen Indeed!


He Is Risen Indeed!

I absolutely cannot believe we are in the month of April. Where has the time gone? I think this is a challenging time of the year for most of us Fellows as we learn what it means to continue to be present and engaged here as we plan for what's next. It's not a bad thing for us to think about our futures (in fact, in a lot of ways it's what we've been preparing for all year and is quite necessary and good), but it does mean that we will need to make intentional efforts to prevent our minds from living in the future. 

Easter weekend was a highlight from the month of March that makes me feel so so thankful that the Lord brought me to the Raleigh Fellows Program this year and to be in community with these people (although I wish we had all been together!). 

Mike, Andrew, Kate and I took a little road trip to Elkton, VA to spend Easter with the Scheel family. The music selection on the way up was prime - Kate and I randomly selected Disney songs and had Andrew and Mike compete to see who could correctly name the movies the songs came from. Although it was pitiful, Andrew won. We spent the rest of the drive listening to middle school angst music (think Avril Lavigne and My Chemical Romance). It was great. 

We stopped to snap some pics on Skyline Drive!

We stopped to snap some pics on Skyline Drive!

We were able to get a taste of what life was like for Kate growing up - something I wish we could do with every fellow! We strolled past horse pastures and yards filled with lawn ornaments, and explored the remains of her childhood "fort" (it was literally a circle of rocks). Fun fact: people in Elton, VA love goats. Another fun fact: as Kate and I were getting ready for bed the first night, neighborhood hoodlums threw an egg at us when we were standing in the window. Nice. 

Probably the biggest highlight of the trip for me was our canoe adventure. Kate and I occupied a sleek red canoe that gracefully glided atop the river with ease. Mr. Scheel and Amy (Kate's sister) journeyed in a slightly-less-sleek yellow thing that looked like a canoe/kayak hybrid. But here's where the real adventure sunk in (pun intended): Mike and Andrew rode in a green canoe that, after no more than 7 minutes on the water, began to sink. There was a hole in the bottom of their canoe that had been recently "patched" that, after going through the first set of rapids, un-patched and filled the boys' canoe with water. By the end of the trip, water was entering the canoe at such a rapid pace, Mr. Scheel had to scoop the water out about every 3-5 minutes. Kate and I offered to swap canoes with the boys or help scoop out water, but we were just mostly in the way and were quickly dismissed. So, we had adventures of our own! We pulled ashore to hang out with some baby goats until a protective alpha goat forced us to retreat; we canoed very close to a cow drinking water from the river; we tried to scoop up the bones of some animal we spotted at the bottom of the glassy water (it was less creepy than it sounds); and we sang lots of songs/found harmonies as we basked in the warmth of the sun. I had a blast! The boys, on the other hand, probably think back on this experience less fondly... 

There they are, in all their glory... barely staying afloat

There they are, in all their glory... barely staying afloat

Although not as riveting as the canoe trip, the rest of our time together was wonderful. We played some games, explored downtown Harrisonburg, had a bonfire, ate Hot Cross Buns, celebrated Easter at Kate's home church, poorly decorated a bunny cake, and went to a luncheon with her family and childhood friends. I felt very thankful for the Scheels' hospitality. On the way back, even though it was slightly out of our way, everyone wanted to make a pit stop in Charlottesville. This was a really special moment for me because I got to share a place I love with people I have come to love over the past year. To share such an integral part of my life with these dear friends made me feel somehow more known, more understood. I don't quite have the words to describe it - All I know is that I feel thankful. Thankful for God's faithfulness and provision in the way that He has placed people in my life who love Him and love me. And thankful that we love to spend even our breaks together. 

A quick pic on the Lawn! I'm not sure why we decided to take the picture here and not with the Rotunda in the background... 

A quick pic on the Lawn! I'm not sure why we decided to take the picture here and not with the Rotunda in the background... 

- Alex 



March Highlights

It's hard to believe that March is already over and done with.
I remember when I moved to Raleigh and Ashley and Sam would talk about how the Spring would be here before we knew it. I felt like it would never come. But here we are! A month and two weeks left together and I feel like the best is still yet to come (and that's saying a lot, because we've definitely had some of the best). 

Here are some of my highlights from March:

  1. Watching the Bachelor and especially the finale with all of the Fellows (mhmmm, boys too) over at Ashley and Sam's. It became our ritual, and we were so sad to see it go. Especially because JoJo didn't win, but that's another issue for another time. 
  2. Buying a wedding dress. So I meant to make a blog post in February... sorry Ash... because something crazy happened! I got engaged!!! A huge part of March has been planning my wedding. The first weekend of March my mom and sister came to town and we found my wedding dress. Pure joy. 
  3. Mid-year reviews. This was scary in theory, but simply encouraging and uplifting in reality. I don't want to give too much away, but if you're reading this as a prospective Fellow, you have something to look forward to. 
  4. All-fellows Roundtable. Fellows from the past joined us at roundtable for fellowship and a discussion on systemic racism (boom)! They also shared advice and prayed for us as we finish up our year and move on to the next thing.
  5. Farmer Mary. Katie found a "farm" where we could go and pet an assortment of cute farm animals. Only it wasn't really a farm. It was more of a junkyard meets backyard. But it was magical. 

    Here's to the rest of Spring!

xo alison 




We've been talking a lot about discernment lately - a topic that tends to send chills down my spine. It makes me feel as if there's a "right" answer and the goal is for me to find it. If I find it, God will be happy, I will be happy, and life will go swimmingly. But if I make the wrong choice, God will be upset, I'll be depressed, and everything will fall apart. Even though I know this is not true, why do decisions feel so heavy?

In the book Sacred Rhythms, we are reminded that the goal of discernment is not the answer. The goal is to be brought closer to Christ. With the Spirit dwelling in us, we are able to make decisions according to His will. Rather than God being on the outside, making judgments about our choices, He resides within us. As we learn to listen to His voice and be attentive to our selfishness, we are able to make decisions and experience the peace of Christ that surpasses all understanding (aka it doesn't always make sense! the wisdom of God is foolishness to the world). Thankfully, His peace isn't something external that He gives to us - it's His very presence. 

As is the case with most of the Fellows program this year, our classes and discussions "happen" to be matching up perfectly with my difficulties and longings. Currently, I am in the process of deciding where I will attend graduate school for the next 2-6 years. I have narrowed it down to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Wisconsin at Madison. I keep going back and forth for a variety of reasons, and like most big decisions, I have spent a lot of time thinking about every possible factor. I have spreadsheets and outlines and pro-con lists and values assessment calculations galore. 

While these tools are helpful and logistics are a component of any decision, I need to chill out and focus on the flip side - resting in God and being attentive to the Spirit. I need to hold each option before the Lord and listen for His Spirit. When I think about going to Madison, what do I notice in my soul? Where do I find peace or unrest in that decision? What is at the root of those feelings? Is it my selfishness or insecurity? Or is it the Lord speaking to me about where he is calling me? What about UNC? Even as I write this, I know I haven't spent enough time with this decision before the Lord. Actually, writing this is making me excited to go home and do so this evening.

One other helpful tip from Sacred Rhythms is to begin with indifference. The first step in attaining wisdom is to become indifferent to anything but God's will. This is much easier said than done, but through prayer, I can honestly say that I feel indifferent about which school I end up at. Part of me wants to go to UNC because I am plugged into a community down here and the weather is fantastic, but part of me would also be excited to explore Madison and go on a rad adventure up north. 

All in all, I'm excited to see where the Lord is taking me for the next few years. It's fun to think about life as an adventure - walking with God, making decisions, and living through His Spirit. 




what to do with your wait?


I have been thinking a lot about the idea of waiting recently. So many things in my life recently have involved waiting. 7 years ago I was waiting to finish high school, so my “real life” could happen in college. 4 years later I was waiting to graduate so I could start my “real life” on Young Life staff. A year and a half after that I was waiting to move to Raleigh in the fall to start my life in the “real world” I have always sort of fallen into thinking that the next life event on the horizon would be where “real life” was actually going to happen. I have learned two things about waiting in the last couple of weeks.

1.I will always be waiting for something. Waiting to hear back from that interview I had, waiting for the promotion, waiting for that hot chick to finally notice that I’m the right guy, waiting for kids, waiting to retire, waiting really for heaven. C.S. Lewis was on to something when he said that we have a desire for something more than this world can give us, therefore we can assume that we were made for something greater than this world. It is easy to think that the next big thing on the horizon is going to be the solution to my longings. But I know that until that great wedding feast in heaven, I will be waiting for something.

2.Real life is happening right now in those times of waiting. It hurts to think of all of the life I have missed by convincing myself that I just have to get through the next couple of months or so and then I can really start to enjoy life. I heard that the time least like heaven is the future. It seems counterintuitive at first because heaven is in the future. I can get caught up dreaming of what it will be like to live in perfect harmony with Christ just like I can get caught up dreaming of what it will be like being married, or having money to live comfortably. By doing that, I miss the time that is most like heaven, the present. It is where time touches eternity; where freedom and actuality occur (Thanks again for the idea C.S. Lewis) Now I’m not saying that we should never think about the future, but just so that we are sure that it is in accords to what we are doing now and how they are connected.

God has plenty for me here in the present even if it is in a season of waiting. 





He Did it on Purpose

This past weekend, the girl fellows had the enjoyment of going on the highly anticipated Church of the Apostles Women’s Retreat in Wilmington, North Carolina. I had heard awesome things about this retreat from some of the women at church, so I was eager to experience it firsthand. We stayed at a beautiful beachy hotel right on the shore. Over 90 women came to the retreat.  It was crazy. And let me tell you, Apostles has some hilarious women. They did skits each night that were ridiculous.

The keynote speaker for the weekend was Courtney Lancaster, the Young Life area director for Raleigh. She spoke on Isaiah 55, breaking down a couple verses each session. The biggest kicker for me was when we looked at verses 3-5. Isaiah talks about how God prepared David to become a leader, better yet, a king. And what was David before he became a king? A shepherd. Despite how vastly different those two vocations sound, they both tend, nurture, protect, and guide. God prepared David for his role as king through his job as a shepherd.

It made me reflect on my own life, and how I hold on tight to my own plans. I’m holding on so much that I am not fulfilling everything that God has intended for his plan. His good, pleasing, and perfect plan. Corrie Ten Boom said to “hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.” God has been preparing me for his mission’s purpose. My eyes were open, however, to the selfishness of my plans for my life. I am learning to hold everything loosely because God has a wonderful purpose for my life, and your life.

John 15:16 says, “You did not choose me but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you.” I was chosen to bear fruit. Even though God sees all of my brokenness, he chose me anyway to bear fruit. That’s my purpose.





Some February Highlights

  • Coming from New York, I assumed that moving south would bring less snow and fewer snow days.  I was very wrong.  In Raleigh, the threat of a single snowflake falling from the sky brings the city to a standstill.  So far this semester, we’ve missed a couple days of class, and church even got canceled one Sunday.  The biggest snowstorm we’ve had came during a weekend a few weeks ago, and it’s been one of my favorite times with the fellows so far this year.  Almost all of us spent Friday and Saturday night at Alison’s cooking fajitas, playing cards and other games, and watching movies.  Most of the girls had a sleepover both nights, and on Saturday morning we had a fancy brunch complete with circus animal-shaped waffles, pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes and mimosas.
  • Monday nights have quickly become one of my favorite nights of the week.  That’s because Monday nights are Bachelor Viewing Party nights at Ashley’s.  It started out as a girl thing, but slowly we’ve been converting the boys into fans of the show.  Ashley usually makes cookies (or cookie dough as I like to eat it) and popcorn, and it’s a lot fun to watch (and make fun of) together.  We especially love Sam’s (Ashley’s husband’s) commentary.
  • Our guys are the best.  Last week at Roundtable, we sat down to dinner, and the girls found invitations to a three-course Valentines dinner.  On Monday night, we got dressed up and came to Ashley’s, not quite sure what to expect.  When we walked in, Mike took our coats, and we were each escorted to the table.  Andrew served us wine and prosecco while we began our feast with bread and salad.  For our main course, Chef Mike prepared spinach-wrapped, mozzarella-stuffed chicken with green beans and mashed potatoes.  And for dessert, they spoiled us with oreo cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.  They’re pretty classy and we love them a lot.




What I am going to do with my life

One of the biggest questions we all face is figuring out what to do with our lives. This question seems especially pressing in our early 20’s because we’re making a lot of decisions about what direction we want to head. This question points to a deep desire within us to do something meaningful and be a part of something bigger than ourselves. I want to live courageously and be a part of an adventure.

In the past, this used to produce a lot of stress for me. I felt like there was always a “right” choice. What college should I go to? Who should I marry? What should I do next summer? Should I have honey bunches of oats or cinnamon toast crunch?

Lately, this question has been producing significantly less stress for me. I am in a fun season of life where the Lord is slowly revealing where he wants me to serve him. I think this relief has come from a greater understanding of the great story – God’s creation, redemption, and movement within our lives.

With a proper understanding of the biblical narrative, the fear associated with the future vanishes! There isn’t one right answer that I’m trying to find. God isn’t waiting with a hammer to smack me if I make the wrong choice. As long as I live within the moral will of God, there are SO MANY things I can do for him. So what do I want to do? He’s given me passions and strengths and experiences and weaknesses. How do I want to glorify Him and join the adventure?

That’s what it means to be free in Christ. It’s a paradoxical freedom – similar to finding a wife. When you commit to stay with one person, you are in one sense limiting yourself. But at the same time, that opens you up to not look at every other attractive person with your eyebrows raised thinking, “is this headed somewhere??”. There’s freedom in binding yourself to another. Becoming one with Christ gives us incredible freedom to love Him and serve Him and offer Him everything he has given us. After all, what can we offer to him that we did not first receive from Him? (Romans 11)

I know these thoughts aren’t new revelations – I’ve been told these things for years. But God is solidifying these truths in my mind and I am experiencing His freedom in a new way through this season.




I Am Thankful

November has been a month of incredible blessings, from discovering that my parents are going to get a puppy, to getting to share the gospel with someone very close to me (and seeing it transform his heart). I have been given so many good gifts in this life that I could never write them all down. In honor of Thanksgiving, I’m taking this opportunity to jot down a few things I’m most thankful for, in this acrostic poem. Enjoy!

I am thankful for . . .

Amazing love and compassion from the Lord & friends and family . . .
My mom, dad, and sister . . .

True friendships, both old and new . . .
Hope, and a healthy body, mind, and spirit . . .
A place to call home away from home . . .
New opportunities to learn and grow . . .
Knowledge of God and His love for me . . .
Food and freedom . . .
Undeserved grace and mercy . . .
Life everlasting.
