It's not all about me. The world tells me it matters that I get what I want and my identity is based out of how successful I am at what I do. But reality, and in the reminder that John Richmond gave us at the Micah 6:8 retreat - apart from God we are completely insigificant but because of God we are eternally and entirely significant.
I've talked a lot about me so far in my blog posts, so it wouldn't be hard to know a lot about me from those. But this program, while helpful to me and a place for me to learn about myself, is not predominantly about me.
Before the year started, Ashley asked us all to send her a Bible verse that was of importance to us as it related to choosing fellows and/or looking ahead to our fellows year. I chose 2 Corinthians 6:4 " everything, commending ourselves as servants of God," and then Paul goes on to name circumstances in which they commend themselves as servants of God, "in hard work, sleepless nights, and hunger; in purity, understanding, patience and kindness." So yeah, this year is not about me.
Throughout this year, as I've spent time in community with these fellows, I've seen Christ in each of them in a unique way. So let me tell you a little bit about them.
Rachel is overflowing with joy, thoughtful, and quick to share the love of Christ which overflows in her. Emilee gives great hugs, exudes joy, is deeply thoughtful, and brings people in. Faith is genuine, loving, makes people laugh, and is full of wisdom, a gift which she shares. Elaina is steady, peaceful, loving, thoughtful, and her deep faith points me to Christ. Calley is deeply caring, loyal, and loving to all the people who matter to her, and she not only exudes this but has shown me this care.
Hayes cares deeply for others, is thoughtful, and is quick to put the gospel at the center. Chris has a huge compassionate heart, is a good listener, and speaks thoughtfully. Dalton makes anyone feel comfortable and speaks great words of affirmation. Dan can make anyone in the room laugh, and is incredibly patient and thoughtful (& writes great coded messages as a Secret Santa). Taylor is slow to speak and quick to listen, sharing wisdom and nuggets that point to the Lord.
And Ashley and Sam Crutchfield. They show me week by week, even day by day, what it looks like to live life sacrificially, opening their home to us, pouring into us, listening to us, and caring for us; all while being awesome parents to their 3 awesome children; and awesome friends to past fellows and their other friends around Raleigh.
While this year will involve a lot of introspection and self-reflection, and yet is also a year of service to the Lord. So that's a glimpse of how I've seen Christ in these 12 strangers over the past 3.5 months. God's image shines in them.
And in this season of advent and expectation, I remain expectant that over the next 4.5 months and beyond, the Lord will do more than I can ask or imagine. Hang on, because all the tricks the Lord has up His sleeve are good and are "the better thing."
-Katie (at times known as Satie, too)