Y'all, February came and went so fast! I know its the shortest month of the year and all, but wow, it actually felt short this year (in college, I swear February would turn it's 28/29 days into what felt like 40 days or longer!) Lot's happened this month, and it's hard to sum up/be reflective; but I'll give you a quick recap and then share some pictures.
February found each of my weekends full - full with good things, but not restful. I had a friend from childhood visit the first weekend (a true blessing); Calley and I went to Greensboro and hung out with Taylor's parents the 2nd weekend; I went back to good ol' Wheaton, IL and my alma mater to visit some friends the 3rd weekend (wonderful, but so far from restful); and finally: we had the women's retreat at Wrightsville Beach - which was the most restful of the weekends and truly a wonderful time to be filled. The Lord also showed up and gave us 75+ degree temps and sunshine. And now that it's March 1st it is, of course, not that warm.
With my childhood friend, Sarah, who visited the 1st weekend in February!
In the good ol' Windy City for a weekend (the 3rd weekend in February)
some fellowz girlz sass @ the women's retreat in Wrightsville Beach
With my sweet mentor at the beach retreat
the sunrise at Wrightsville beach!
There's a few pictures to give a little glimpse of my month. I cannot believe it's March. The tension and stress of needing to figure out what is next has definitely amped up; and I need a lot of grace to stay both calm in that process and present in the fellows program.
March also brings the birthday of 4 of us (myself included) in one week...can't wait to write about that wonderful week of celebration at the end of March!
So - to Him who is able to immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine - here's to the remaining 2.5 months of fellows; and what ever is next for each of us. He is good and more gracious than we can grasp through it all.