November was full of lots of retreats and traveling. We had a retreat to Camp Oak Hill for our Micah 6:8 discussions. We got to listen to David from Jobs 4 Life speak to us on the topic of inequality in our society. I really enjoyed him talking and all of his points on how we can progress in a Christlike way. We also had a group games competition and won (maintain). The last night we played glow in the dark dodgeball and I had way too much fun beaming people. The weekend following that I got to work a Super High retreat at Camp Willow Run. It was great to be back and see lots of friend and get paid to “hangout.” I will never get tired of going there. During the week after working that retreat, we had to prepare for our next Fellows retreat. We were having a career vocational retreat at Ashley’s lake house. But before we went, we had to take all these random tests about our skills, emotions, and motivations. While taking all of them, I had many moments of frustration. They seemed to be very pointless such as one that had us folding paper and poking holes in the paper. I just saw no connection to anything as far as a career. I was very unsure of what the weekend would hold. The speaker Seth was able to explain them much more clearly than I expected. All of the results were on a scale and either way did not necessarily mean something bad. It pointed me to various careers including business ones but ultimately I really enjoyed seeing what my skills are. I want to use the results when I am looking for a full time job to ensure I am using all of my potential at work. I wish I was not so quick to judge after taking some of the tests. While there I also got to show my fellow Fellow Cam, Grandpa’s BBQ in Littleton. It was great just to hang and talk to him. On Monday we left the lake house and I went home for Thanksgiving. It was great to be home and see my family and Rosie and Scout. I got to eat some great roast beef and have some home cooked meals from my mom for the first time in a while. We shot a pistol, went to Topgolf and also played normal golf (although not well). As my Emotional Intelligence test showed, I had a November filled with great experiences and joy (enough to be late on this blog).

Trey Holsten
