Todo: No, no we’re not. That ain’t no joke, fool (Todo if he were trained by Mr. T; also Happy April 1st, Gracious Reader)
Well, almost all of us. We’ve retreated to our hometowns and homelands. Back under the roofs that raised us; isn’t it wonderful?! Last Monday, my betrothed and I got in the car at 4:00 AM and drove for 17 hours STRAIGHT to Fabulous Frisco, Texas to be with family. I miss my friends back in Raleightown, but this was the best decision we could have made in these trying times!
After a week at home, here’s an update: I’ve left twice (once for a Whataburger run, another for an intoxicating Target trip), last week the average high was 80 F so we spent most days working by the pool (some working from home, some working on their tans (I refuse to comment who is the former and the latter)), we have started watching the Netflix original docuseries “Tiger King” (fun fact: Joe Exotic graduated from the same high school as my parents), and I’ve blown the dust off of numerous old videogames including but not limited to: Guitar Hero II, Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, Skyrim, Fallout 3, and Civilization Revolution (this now concludes Jack’s signature run-on sentence, thank you, Gracious Reader!)
All in all, Darby and I have felt nothing but love ever since stepping foot back on these sacred grounds from those in proximity and not. I know that I’ve stated this before, but there’s nothing quite like the wide open spaces that North Texas has to offer.
I have a mustache now, so that’s new. No, this is not like the Brittany Spears breakdown of 2008; I quite like it. The women in my life disagree, but hell, I am my own man (for the next 53 days!)
Oh yeah, it’s worth mentioning that Darby and I get married NEXT MONTH WHOOOOOOOP
Now, I preface all of this with the good because there is so much hurt and sadness creeping and crawling around the country. I will spare you the aches. But,
Gracious Reader, if I could be so bold to make a few suggestions to help ease your Coronacation, I would say something like this: Use this time to catch up with old friends, use this time to read for fun (FINISH THE BOOK THAT’S BEEN 75% DONE FOR 6 MONTHS JUST BITE THE BULLET AND DO IT), put down the self-help book and pick up Harry Potter or the Chronicles of Narnia (if your parents won’t let you read Harry Potter). If you believe in God the Father and Jesus His Son who died for our sins and His Holy Spirit that lives inside of us guiding and directing our lives, use this time to prove to Him that you do, in fact, trust Him in everything (even a big nasty virus). I don’t mean to downplay our current situation, I only intent to upplay our enormous, all powerful, sovereign God. That being said, to the best of your ability: stay home, wash your hands, do what the government says (Ron Swanson suddenly shudders somewhere far away).
I hope this post brightens your beautiful face, Gracious Reader!
Reading: The Green Mile by Stephen King (finished), Pet Semetary by Stephen King (finished), IT by Stephen King (finished (also, my new favorite book, I’d love to talk about it with you, Gracious Reader)), ‘Salem’s Lot by Stephen King, Emotionally Healthy Spirituality by Peter Scazzero
Audiobooking: Scythe by Niel Shusterman (finished), Thunderhead by Niel Shusterman, The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson
Listening to: Vampire Weekend, Penny and Sparrow, and a playlist that Austin Spence made me (thanks buddy!) There’s nothing like comfort tunes during these trying times.
-Jack B.