Nothing grand to say this month guys. In fact been feeling a bit dumpy lately feeling like I don’t measure up. Fellows was described to me once as “an embarrassment of riches”. So many good things all at once you often don’t feel deserving. And I certainly feel as though I fall short of stewarding all of these gifts well. My good friend and mentor (Pauline Byron I’m looking @ you!) always encourages me, in my worst times with the Lord, to just say one thing out loud to Him that I am thankful for. Changes my whole mood and perspective around. So here are a few things I am thankful for about November:

  1. When my host sister says “I love you” when I tell her goodnight.

  2. The town of Virgilina.

  3. Being brave enough to start counseling.

  4. How my mentor Pauline gives me a hug and a kiss for every greeting.

  5. Joining a rock climbing gym and actually getting stronger.

  6. Feeling like I am friends with my coworkers.

  7. The Wolfpack.

  8. Kassie buying me an acorn sign at Hobby Lobby because it reminded her of me.

  9. Taking a nap at my friend Natalie’s house if I need to.

  10. Austin’s family’s football tailgate.

  11. A puppy brought to class.

  12. The best BBQ I have actually ever tasted at an establishment called Redneck BBQ Lab attached to a gas station.

  13. Really experiencing autumn leaves for the first time in a while.

  14. A walk on the beach while at home.

  15. The Raleigh skyline.

  16. The freedom to dream what I would like for my next job.

  17. Celebrating birthdays of people I really love.

  18. Visions of me sitting somewhere peaceful with Jesus.

  19. Making friends across the country.

  20. Host family always leaving coffee in a mug for me in the mornings.

I could go on & on now that I have started but wow! I feel better already. There is always so much to be thankful for if I just slow down and choose to find it. Gnight bl0og.

