We back. October has been a wild month full of endless adventures and new experiences. Whether that be going to the state fair, exploring the city of Raleigh, or just daily life. My internship at Refugee Hope Partners (RHP) has started to pickup and I have began to work on a lot of different projects that RHP is planning to have. Our Fellows classes have also began to dig deep as well. A lot of our classes have dealt with understanding who we are as people. This theme of finding out more about myself has been in the back of my mind for most of this month and is something that God has really forced me to think about. We have had several classes that have dealt with personality types like Myers-Briggs tests and Enneagram. It’s been insightful and hard to fully think about how God has created me. I came into Fellows feeling like I had it all figured out, but it has been interesting how God has taught me how much I did not know or had wrong about myself. Compared to the previous month, I feel as if this month has been more reflective of who God has created me to be. While I am still processing a lot of what I have learned, I am curious and excited to see what else God is going to reveal during this season of my life.

In Christ,

