Moments with Mal #4 — Raleigh Fellows Program

First of all, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year! Second of all, for this blog post, here’s 12 Festive & Fun Fellow Moments with Mal!!

#1 13.1 miles of fun and running through Raleigh with Madelyn and Janie 

Back at our very first retreat, Janie and I talked about doing a half, and Madelyn was down too. To be honest, my training started strong, and then… I needed LOTS of convincing that we were actually doing this when it came to running 6 miles just for training. After signing up and encouraging each other, we did it! Plus we had a little cheering section at the end, and celebrated with burgers at MoJoe’s, so it doesn’t get much better than that when talking about running a half! 

#2 Sleepover with last year’s Fellow Ladies

Something I loved when I was learning about the fellows program was hearing about past fellows staying in Raleigh afterwards. It got me excited and hopeful for a future community after all this, so it was really sweet to have a sleepover with the girls from last year!  

#3 My secret Santa was Neil, and I had no idea

The fellows christmas party was a blast, and Neil surprised me with a great gift! I had no idea he was my secret Santa👏👏 

#4 Having dinner with my buddy Kris

Best gluten free pasta ever!! Enough said. 

#5 Cookie Decorating Contest at Work

Let’s just say, it’s an honor to win first runner up in the cookie decorating contest as an intern. Love seeing this type of community at my workplace and walking away with the 2nd place title. 

#6 Hanging with my Host Fam

Had many movie nights this month after family dinner which I love. My host sister Anna also had many fun holiday outfits for this month which will brighten everyone’s day! 

#7 One of my friends from college came to visit 

My friend Swed came to visit and met all the fellows! It was so fun to see worlds collide and show her around Raleigh! 

#8 Seeing Christmas Lights 

Going to find amazing Christmas lights displays is one of my favorite things to do around the holidays, so it was a lot of fun when Ashley took us on a field trip to see several houses all lit up during our Christmas Party! 

#9 Dinner at the Bolash’s

We went to the Bolash’s- had dinner, also saw some WILD Christmas lights, and Robin read The Best Christmas Pageant Ever  to us. 

#10 The Kids’ Christmas Pageant at Church 

It was simply amazing. This one is you had to be there moment, but I loved every minute of it. 

#11 Teaming up with Janie’s host sister to give Janie presents 

I had Janie for secret santa, so Rachel and I teamed up to surprise her with gifts. Couldn’t have done it without her! The best moment was when she helped me hide a present in Janie’s car right before youth group. 

#12 Fellowsgiving

We celebrated in December, so it counts! Lots of food, laughs, and stories shared as we went over to Ashley’s and hung out with fellows from all different years.

