The beginning of December feels like a long time ago to me right now, but I am looking back and remembering all of the fun things we did last month. All month long we “elfed” another fellow by being their secret Santa and giving them fun gifts once a week. At first, I was pretty stressed out about doing this, but it ended up being really fun. I had Mallory as my secret Santa, and she guessed that her Santa was a girl, which means that I did a good job. Ian efled me and did a great job getting me things that I love. We wrapped up our Old Testament and just leadership classes in December, which were both great learning experiences for me. We also did the second session of our Enneagram class, which I found really interesting and informative. The last week of December before Christmas break was very fun and full of Christmas parties. Both the fellows party at Ashley’s and the Comiskey’s parties were great, and they both got me ready for the Christmas season. Break was very relaxing for me, and got me ready to come back to Raleigh for an even better 2023!
