Yes, yes, as the other Fellows before me have said, February was FULL. It was a crazy month of high highs and low lows to be entirely transparent. I think for the month what feels most impactful has been the Women’s Retreat this past weekend Is it because it is the freshest thing on my mind or the truly the most impactful? Who’s to say, but I am going with it.

Picture this: 140 women well spread in age between 18 and dare I say late 70s (not sure since I didn’t ask women’s ages, but you get the picture) all from one church, meeting to know God and one another deeper. Looking back, I am beyond thankful to have done ballet class and silent disco with women outside my typical social circle, to have gotten to walk along the beach in February, and to have had a wine night with 20+ girls, but I have left with lots to reflect on about God as well.

One particular thing that struck me was a Visio Divina practice we did as we spent time in the story of the woman at the well. This practice is one where you look at an image or piece of art with a scripture in mind and notice what stands out and what emotions come up. In the particular image I sat in front of, I spent a lot of time noticing Jesus’ posture compared to the woman. Jesus was not only facing her, but his entire body was angled towards her. In contrast, though she was looking back at him, the rest of her body continued to be pointed away. Now I know this seems insignificant and maybe even like a stretch, but I couldn’t help but thinking if that might be an accurate depiction of my own posture to Jesus at times. Maybe even when my face is turned totally towards Jesus, I am closed off in the rest of my body and leaned away.

Now I truly haven’t the slightest idea how to wrap that up neatly for the blog post, but I will share a picture of the piece of art I was looking at.

Praise God for His persistence and gentleness towards me.

The Well by Mike Moyer Oil on Panel 2019

All my love,

