*This is not ranked in order, just an overall top ten from this month*

1. Secret Santa

Shoutout to Kassie for being the best Secret Santa of all time. I had absolutely no idea who had me for secret santa, and she consistently surprised me with perfectly timed and meaningful gifts. Also, Dylan didn’t know that I had him so that was successful as well.

2. Christmas

Christmas is the best holiday. There is nothing better than wearing pajamas all day, spending time with family, eating good food, giving/ receiving gifts, and most importantly celebrating the birth of Christ.

3. Christmas Caroling

One of my favorite things from this month was an improvised stop in the middle of the Fellows Christmas party in which we stopped at my parents house and caroled for my mom.

4. Hickory

My mom is from the great city of Hickory, NC. My family went to visit my grandfather, aunt, uncle, and cousins over Christmas break and it was a very sweet time spent with family that we don’t get to see often.

5. Eulogy

One of our Fellows classes this year is spiritual formation with the great Mary Young. One assignment was to write a eulogy written from the perspective of a loved one. It was an extremely challenging and vulnerable assignment that I was very nervous about sharing. Having now shared it though I really appreciate the space that we get in that class to dream with the Lord about our future.

6. Fantasy Football

I am officially the champion of my college friends' Fantasy Football League. Dame Time.

7. Natalie’s Birthday

Natalie turned 23! I loved getting to celebrate her. The weather even though it’s winter was really nice so we spent most of the day outside of the art museum, having a picnic and also spending time with her friends. Then we had a great dinner with her family and played a lot of scattergories. 

8. NCAA Football ‘14

Arguably the best video game ever created, thanks to #10 I spent a lot of time playing this over our Christmas break.

9. Spider-Man: No Way Home

My sister and I went to see the new Spider-Man and it was amazing. I will not spoil it in case you haven’t seen it yet, but you should go see it ASAP if you haven’t yet.


This is on the list not because it was a good thing, but because it took up a majority of the month of December. I was exposed to COVID so I began to quarantine, after a week I thought I was in the clear however I then tested positive for COVID on the 10th day from my exposure. Making my quarantine extend for a very long time :) 
