December for me is always a time of rest and reflection. It’s always nice to look at the life I’ve lived for the year and see where I’ve been along the way and reflect on it. This always helps me figure out the things that I hope for the next year and things that I can work and improve on. December consisted of a few weeks of Fellows obligations and then a few weeks of Christmas break. Both parts of the month made for a great way to end the year and focus on the things to come for the rest of the Fellows year.

For the last round table, we played Secret Santa. This was a really special moment, just seeing how much time and effort everyone took to get their person a gift. All of the gifts were so well thought out and I think it really was encouraging to see that everyone in our group really cares for each other and that we take the time to be close and intentional with each other.

The Christmas break was really wonderful as well. I had a lot of free time, which was nice considering the busy schedule that I feel like I’ve had the past few months. I was about to get a lot of rest while I went back home for two weeks. Christmas with my family also made for a very relaxing time.

As I said earlier, even though I did have a nice break to be a little lazy, it gave me a lot of time to really think about the last few months in Fellows. Between classes, round table, and retreats, I’ve learned a lot and this break gave me the opportunity to sort through a lot of those things and start to think about the future after Fellows and what that looks like.

