WOWWW!! I really just referenced Taylor Swift. These fellows girls have an influence on me.

Well ladies and gentlemen who come across this post, I am thrilled to be writing about my past month or so. I think it’s most important to start with this banger of a life update:


Yes, engaged. As a fellow. So don’t let anyone tell you it’s impossible! The lovely and beautiful Ali is going to be my wife and I am so flippin excited. What is really cool about this season of life is that I have so many people in a relatively new place that are absolutely thrilled for me and love Ali and I like they’ve seen us through every step of our journey. I have had multiple people from Church of The Apostles send me well wishes in this new chapter of life and tons of advice on planning a wedding (which it’s really just Ali’s wedding that I’m happy to be invited to). I now have joined the elite team that consists of my good friend Mary Ellen of the “engaged ones” (shoutout Melon).

More so of what has gone on in the program, Secret Santa was absolutely vibrant. One of my favorite things is getting to do things for others and Hayden was so lucky enough for me to draw her name for Secret Santa (lol). I started off with a BANGER leaving her favorite snacks and candies on her car, which wasn’t hard because she lives right across the street from me. BUT THEN, I was humbled very quickly because she caught me. However it wasn’t necessarily my fault, our lovely youth Director and former fellow Hayes, came into class one Friday and read a silly poem that I wrote for Hayden. But he took it over the top and got down on one knee and delivered her the Starbucks coffee that was to go along with it. But while he kneeled next to her, he was reading off the text message that I sent him and of course, Hayden looked down at the phone and saw my name sitting at the top. Nice going, Hayes. But my secret Santa was Brendan. Good ole BB. During this, my favorite thing he did for me which was hilarious, was putting a bag full of ring pops on my car the day before I left to head to Boone to propose to the lovely and beautiful Ali. He also had a fake ring box that inside was an open ring pop (may have been licked once or twice) a long with a note that was super encouraging.

These silly examples however are super important to why these people have been such an unexpected blessing in my life. I think over the past few weeks of our break, I have really started to lock in on the future, and what life is going to look like come the end of May. I’ve recently put a ton of pressure on myself to figure that out. But reflecting on such sweet memories like the ones I have shared with you all in the past four months, makes me realize that I’m going to be okay. As long as I continue to have a living relationship with the Lord and letting him in on the beautiful things that are going on around me, I am going to be okay. I recently had a reality check with parents, and as much as I was expecting them to want to hear how I needed to have my ducks in a row, my mom assured me of this:

“I don’t know what life is going to bring you in May. If that’s a job, or whatever, but I do know one thing. It’s all going to be okay.”

Im not an emotional person, but this got to me. It gave me an immediate image of how God loves us. Holding us in his arms if we are crying, laughing, smiling, frowning, you name it. He is going to hold us gently and tell us that we are going to be okay.

Here’s to a great few more months.


