In 2017 I began college at Appalachian State University. One night I was waiting for my friends outside of my dorm, and I met this guy. It was cold, it was awkward, and he talked a lot. I think if you would have told me and Noah that we’d be college friends for four years and after that we’d both move to Raleigh together, I’m not quite sure how we would have responded. After living that out I can speak into the last 4 years, (but specifically the last few months) with Noah.

I know we as believers hear this all the time, but God really blesses us, sometimes in ways of which we are praying for, and some in ways we never expected at all. I think one of the biggest blessings the Lord has given me this year is Noah.

Moving to Raleigh to do a 9 month program alone is scary! I remember joking around with Noah (as we do often) asking him to apply to do the Raleigh Fellows program. All of my playful jokes definitely had a subtle serious tone, but Noah just laughed every time I suggested it. LOL at him because he’s stuck here now. In all seriousness it was an unexpected blessing to have Noah here with me, especially at the beginning. I don’t think he knew it, but he was a big source of comfort for me.

Noah is that reminder that God has me, that God is with me, and that I’m not doing this all alone. How kind and loving of the Lord! Like that unexpected blessing, this season has been a lot of getting to know my brother Noah on a much deeper level. That four year friendship prepared us well for this season God has called us to. A season of breaking through walls, and finally seeing one another on the other side. What a humbling experience this has been for me, to think I knew Noah then is silly, because I really know him now. Thank you GOD.

In the past few months, Noah and I have gotten to stand with each other while we have both gotten engaged. In 2022 we’ll be in each other's weddings. And forever we’ll continue to thank God that He has allowed us to be in each others lives at such a deep capacity. I love the season we’re in, Noah!

I love you brother!

Your sister, melon
