Dropping in real quick to say I love women. This month the lady fellows got to go on the women’s retreat with all the lovely ladies of apostles; and it was epic. The days leading up to the retreat I was having a hard time fully looking forward to it for two reasons. The first reason was I didn’t want to pack my bag again. Packing is one thing I dread the most and fellows is full of packing. I’ve decided that all this packing must be teaching me something. Every time I finish packing I’m all of a sudden excited for whatever retreat we are about to go on. To all the future fellows reading this: just come with a pre-packed suitcase and keep it by the door. The second reason is the only thing I could think about in regards to the women’s retreat was this skit we were putting on. The planning and choreography for our skit was intense (but actually some of the most fun I’ve had in fellows). Needless to say, I was quite nervous to perform in front of all these women that may have only seen my face on a pamphlet on their fridge. The skit turned out to be an absolute hit, I think… but super huge thank you to the Elderflowers for including us in their performance of the year. We love you all very much and think you are all so beautiful and fun.

It feels special and rare to sit in a room full of women who love God and show up to love each other. It also feels special and rare to tear up the silent disco dance floor with your pastor (LETS GO LAUREN MANN). And of course it is so special and rare that the seven of us fellow girls plus Ashley happen to not only love each other but really like each other. After the retreat, the girls started a shared notes we call “glimmer hunting” where we add the things we are thankful for throughout each day. I have to fight the urge not to type “you guys” everyday but I fear I can overdo the cheesy sometimes. So this is my blanket statement that I am and always will be thankful for you guys everyday.

I could’ve probably just written this entire blog about Joanna Refvem and it would be the most epic blog ever, but I figured I’d give airtime to the weekend as a whole. Joanna, if you’re reading this, we can’t wait to come over and send Josh to his room.

This month I recommend… Valentines Day (the best holiday to ever exist), silent disco, snow days, nyquil, elaborately choreographed dance routines, and women.

Evy :)
