Hi!!!! This month has been emotional, so this blog will be as well but don’t worry it won’t be too bad.

This month has been all about encouraging for me. All my life I have always been subpar at most things like, school, sports, choir, writing essays, you name it. I was always good but not the best and I was completely fine about it. BUT one thing I could always bring to the table and was the best at was encouragement. I am always cheering people on and bringing other up. That was my thing, that was my contribution. For the first time in my life, I really truly feel encouraged and built up by other people who truly know me for who I am. The fellows see me and when they encourage or give my a compliment, its really easy to believe them. (Shoutout to Evy, Celeste, Bryan, Bailey, Josh, and Emma. I doubt you remember the little things you’ve said but they meant a lot) At our career-calling-vocational retreat we had a lot of talks about strengths and weaknesses. And to be very honest, it was really hard to think of my strengths and easy to recongnize weaknesses, but the weaknesses I thought I had weren’t even true, so that was a whole thing of really looking at true weaknesses. During this whole debacle we were each put on the “hot seat” basically and were pretty much just telling each other what strengths and good stuff we see in each other. Basically this brought me to tears, I have never been in a space where so many different people have shown that they each love me differently. I was completely overwhelmed with the idea that thirteen people I’ve only know for 6ish months have some much good to say about me. I am just in awe of how the goodness of God is shining through each and every one of the fellows, and now I am really starting to see that it is shining through me too.

Something that has really stuck with me over the last month is this quote From the shack: (I know controversial): “I am very fond of them” which is God talking about some person, but God is very fond of us all and I just want to look at all of Gods children like that.

I want to let all the fellows know that I have spent 5 hours alone on purpose this week to try to be better at being independent.

Women’s retreat was a dream. I often find myself having friend crushes (you get excited to be their friend because you think they are cool and fun and want to be their friend) when I am in a new space and I developed A LOT this weekend. There were so many amazing women I am so excited to get to know better. Two who stand out are Wendy Shultz and Joanna Refvem. Wendy was at my table all weekend and was also one of the speakers. I wish I could portray how cool I find her but words can’t do justice. She’s awesome and was wonderful to talk too. Joanna, in a nutshell this woman is a vibe and if you’re reading this Joanna please know that is a compliment. I admire how she carries herself and speaks to others. She is so fun and tearing it up on the dance floor with her during silent disco AND contemporary dance was the highlight of my weekend. She is just incredible, I can’t wait to know her more. Seeing how huge and amazing the women’s ministry is was such an amazing experience and I will do everything I can to go back next year!

Back to the regular scheduled programming of recommendations.

  • dancing your heart out

  • staying up late and getting up early

  • the miedemas front porch swing. (probably my favorite spot to sit ever)

  • lavender anything

  • getting snowed in with celeste

  • going on walks

  • talking about other peoples interests

  • the bounce curl define styling brush

  • the movie Waitress, just watch it and get back to me with feedback

  • getting pierced! (I got my thirds done, I forget everytime that is actually hurts and takes time to heal)

  • picking people up! (like with a car, to go places)

  • trying new foods (had seafood boil, loved it)

Music recommendations:

  • All I need to hear - Mitchell Ferguson

  • The Ballad of Boot Hill - Johnny Cash

  • Pay no Rent - Turnpike Troubadours

  • Slow Hand - Conway Twitty

  • Weight of the World - Chris Stapleton

  • Playing on the Tracks - Luke Grimes

  • Dannys Song - Loggins & Messina

  • Do I wanna know? - Live at the BBC - Hozier

  • 2 songs : Where the Red Fern Grows and Diamondhead - J.R. Carroll

  • and ANYTHING by Rhianna

  • and ANYTHING by Adele

Anyways hope you enjoyed reading this!

love, Jenna
