
Bloom where you are planted

Hello Blog! I blinked and it was already a month into 2024. I am officially halfway done with Raleigh Fellows (WHATTTTT). I literally cannot believe how quickly the program has flown by. I have loved and enjoyed being a part of fellows so much. Thank you to everyone who donated to me and believed in me. I could not be here without your prayers, generosity, and commitment, so thank you <3 

Not to be dramatic, but Raleigh Fellows is the best decision I’ve ever made for my life (that or going to JMU). In this program, I am learning how to steward the gifts God has given me, how to make my own decisions as a flourishing adult, how to trust in the Lord’s provision, and how interconnected our faith is with work. God designed us for work, even before the fall there was a design for work. Work is what brings us flourishing and fulfillment. I am so thankful I am taking these 9 months to really slow down, focus on what gifts God has given, and what vocation He may be calling me to for work. 

Speaking of flourishing! God has been teaching me how to grow where I’m at. Like how to be present where I am and take the opportunities He has given me. The phrase “bloom where you are planted” has been something that’s helped me lean into flourishing here in Raleigh. In one of our spiritual formation classes I was spending time in solitude where God gave me an image of a tree being deeply rooted into the soil. It had deep roots that allowed the tree to stand strong against any wind or uprooting. It was growing bright green leaves that were plentiful and flourishing. My favorite part was seeing the way the sunshine would hit the leaves and create a beautiful light green shade. Almost like they were golden from the sun. The breeze would blow and the tree would bend and sway but not give into the power of the gust. The phrase that kept repeating in my mind was “You unravel me.” Psalm 1:2-3 (but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.” 

Things to know: 

  1. On that planet fitness grind with some of the girl fellows

  2. Family is really important 

  3. Maddie's closet is officially open!

  4. I love wearing cowboy boots (this is very NC of me)

  5. I french braided Simas hair 

  6. I am really good at foosball 

January REPORT: 

R- I’m reading The Universe Next Door by James Sire and Galatians, Ephesians, Colossians, & Galatians  

E- I’m eating frozen chocolate chip waffles (not frozen tho lol)

P- I’m playing A Life Where We Work Out by Flatland Cavalry and Kaitlin Butts

O- I’m obsessed with bruising my teeth with the fellows

R- I recommend the taking a party bus downtown (HBD GABI) 

T- I’m treating myself by making time to run around shelley lake (shout out meg) 

“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” – 2 Corinthians 12:9

With all the love, Maddie Roberts



I'm 23 now! And I have streptococcus...

HEYYYYY pookies :*

January was a MONTH. An amazing month actually!!! Like December, it was pretty filled to the brim. With a retreat, 4 birthdays, and unfortunately a positive strep test, I had a pretty full month

The first thing I want to highlight is the John Richmond retreat. This was my favorite retreat yet. We got to collab with the Trinity Fellows! What a special treat that was. Although it was a little hectic at times to have 30 people under 1 roof at once, I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet new people and new friends.

John walked us through “The Art of Living Well: 10 Rules for a Meaningful Life”. His rules included:

  1. Please God

  2. Know your name

  3. People are more important than stuff

  4. Speak truth in love

  5. Feelings are not actions

  6. Know how to stop

  7. Finish the job

  8. Be generous

  9. Happen to your life

  10. Make wrong things right

Holy moly were those good! I really appreciated his wisdom, his power of storytelling, and the obvious way he loves his family so well that he implemented these life-changing rules to allow their family to grow towards Christ. I can’t wait to adopt these when I have my own family.

The best part of the John Richmond retreat was the panel on spousal selection. This put a lot of things into perspective as a single girl in her 20s. John, his wife, Ashley, Sam, and the Trinity Fellows director had a lot of things to offer us as married Christians who want us to thrive in a marriage one day. The most valuable part of the panel was learning that I need to be steadying my ship as I am in my era of singleness, and that I need to be with someone to is going to keep my pace. So much knowledge was gained from this discussion. I sent my notes to all my friends from college because it was just THAT GOOD! Never settle pookies.

This month was also THE month of birthdays. Happy 23rd birthday to Linda May, Hunter, me, and Gretchen! Jordan year, right? With lots of birthdays comes lots of fellows fun times! For LM we had a cozy game night, for Hunter, we got competitive at Partee Shack, for my birthday my family hosted a taco night at my house (local things), and for Gretchen, everyone went to Korean BBQ. But unfortunately, at this point in the month, I was lying in my childhood bedroom sick so I had to pass that night #fomo #emo.

Having strep has also been no fun. Typing this now as I am on day 4 of antibiotics. I’ll live.

I just want to take a moment to shout out the best mentor ever, KIMBERLY CURLIN! Every Monday we meet at Panera for some mediocre breakfast and coffee, but honestly, it is one of my favorite moments of the week. She loves me so well and it’s obvious how much she truly cares about my life. I walk away from every conversation feeling heard and seen, and knowing that she will be fervently praying for me every day. I gotta say I think I lucked out having a life coach as a mentor :)

January, you will be in my heart forever. I love this month. Best month yet.





My January In Abstract Thoughts

Hello. January has been quite the month. There has been much to ponder, much to rejoice, and much to expect. Here is a long list of thoughts that have run through my mind this fine month of being a Raleigh Fellow.

Sharing laughs with my family is one of the most joyous things in my life.

More dinner parties, more breaking bread, but also more eating at restaurants alone.

Celebration of friends is an art.

The crux of my identity should be marked by being Christ’s beloved. When I rest in this truth I walk with new confidence and empathy.

What a gift it is to connect those you care about with one another. May I seek to increase connectedness and never withhold the opportunity for new kinship.

Sometimes you just have to dig a hole.

I am really proud of a lot of people. It is a gift to know so many talented, gracious, funny, intelligent, hardworking, and faithful people. They make me a lot better and I see the reflection of Jesus evidently in the depth of their character.

Sometime you have to eat on the floor.

“To not act on your gifts is to withhold Gods blessing from the world. Who are we to do that.” I want to run against the fear of taking the wrong action. Of course I’ll mess up, get over it and get moving.

A fondue fountain of queso could be gluttony, but it could also be goodness. Posture is important.”

“There is no frictionless reform” - John Cotton Richmond

Let me know in the comments / hit my line if:

You have any questions, comments, or concerns.

Thanks :)




It's been a minute...

Wellll it’s been a minute but we’re back!! The past couple of months have flown by and I’m starting to realize this is how the rest of my time in Fellows is going to look: busy and fast. But let’s not dwell on that quite yet. 

So January! A lot has happened. Notably, a fun New Years with college friends, many many birthday celebrations, and the John Richmond Retreat. I have to say, the John Richmond retreat might be my favorite so far. We spent the week with our new friends, the Trinity Fellows, learning how to live a meaningful life. I’m incredibly thankful for John and the wisdom he shared over this weekend. I left feeling such a greater sense of identity and purpose, recognizing that I am simply a mist or vapor who is nothing apart from God. What a gift it is to be loved by Him and to attempt to please Him as my life’s mission. But seriously, ask me about this retreat!!

I also want to take this time and space to talk about a few people who have been incredibly important to me over the last 6 months or so. First, Tal and Michael Mangum (my host parents) have been such caring and generous hosts to Gretchen and me. I lucked out in terms of a host family! They have treated both Gretchen and me as one of their own and continue to make time to build such intentional relationships with each of us. They are also both such faithful followers of the Lord and I’m so encouraged by the way they walk hand in hand with the Lord every day. Second is my mentor Beth. I absolutely ADORE Beth Finneran. She is both a role model and friend. Time with her is consumed by unpacking all things good and hard, being offered wisdom, and standing in awe of God’s goodness and faithfulness. She is steadfast and brings so much joy to my life.

Of course, can’t skip over the fellows! As I sit here writing this, I’m surrounded by some of my fellow Fellows at Docksology for our career calling retreat (career talk is stressful ahh). But all that to say, it’s pretty cool to think that at one point I didn't know any of them. Here we are, sitting, resting, and just being in each other’s presence (as we all write our long overdue blogs hahah). It’s crazy to think about the ways they have each impacted my life and how I’m gaining a fuller picture of Christ just by knowing them.

That’s it for now. I know I just jumped all around in this blog post but to sum it all up, I know the months are only going to speed by and I just wanna soak every last bit of it up!

May He bless and keep you,




Holly Jolly Raleigh Christmas

Hey blog, it’s ya girl, Gibz. It has been a HOT minute since the last blog and we have a lot to catch up on! December was a short month but gosh was it a sweet one! It was jam packed to the brim of fun activities, and reminiscing on the semester.

Group Date!

Ashley and Sam made December start off strong with the first ever ‘Platonic Group Date’. To say it was easily one of the most fun nights of fellows would be an understatement. It was so fun to get to know other fellow alums better and have a night of silly games, good conversation, and lots of laughs. Same time next year?


Just 2 days after a super fun night (the group date), we had another super fun event, Fellowsgiving. All of the fellows from years prior get together for a big potluck at Ashley’s house and it’s full of lots of laughs and so much fun. It makes me really excited for the young adult community I will be in after Fellows. I know that I will be in the most loving and kind group of young adults who already love me so well!

O.T on da beat

Meg and Maddie and I presented our Old Testament project last month. It wasn’t just any presentation. It was a rap. An amazing rap. A grammy nomination worthy rap. Coming to Spotify soon.

Our rap is entitled “Imago Dei”. If you’re lucky enough to find the video, count your blessings. You will never be the same after listening to it. True story. In all seriousness, I will miss our Old Testament class. I went into the class a little nervous that I wouldn’t enjoy it, but I really did learn so much. A big thank you to Ryan and Emily, Hayes, Cam, and Eric for teaching the class. We hoped you loved teaching as much as we loved having you.


Yes, the Fellows went to Angus Barn. Crazy. Lit. Movie.


Secret Santa was seriously the best part of the entire month. I was Maddie’s secret Santa and let me just say I had the BEST time elfing her. Thank you to all my minions, Linsey Wenk, Urvi Patel, and Eric Bolash for helping me out. My secret Santa on the other hand was the best surprise treat ever. My secret Santa was ROBIN VINCENT?! WOW what a freakin treat. I did not guess that one. I got the sweetest little gifts and notes throughout the month and felt so so SO loved by her throughout the whole process. Thank you to her minion, Hunter, for tying everything together <3

More Christmas Fun <3
December was tied all together with a pretty little bow with a Christmas party at the Comisky’s. Any excuse to dress up and take pictures while sipping cocktails with your friends is going to be taken advantage of.

What did God teach me this month?

The Lord revealed to me the importance of friendship this month. THIS is what I prayed for all throughout senior year of college! I prayed that this program would give me close and dear friends that would last for a lifetime, and I feel like I got just that. I also learned that I love learning about the old testament? I was SO #sad that O.T was coming to an end. But what a blessing to know that I can still learn so much and know people to ask and help me learn more!

December, you rock.





Imago Dei & the Dance Floor

Blog! I’m back! What a joy it is to be together again. Thanks for reading.

December FLEW by. I felt like I was just writing my November blog and here we are with the next monthly update. So what happened this month? Good question… let’s reflect.

First, I want to start with some fun moments, memories, or lessons I’ve been learning so far. Gabi, Meg, and I wrote a rap about being made in the image of God— Imago Dei. We are uploading to SoundCloud soon but if you can’t wait that long, text me and I’ll send it your way. Y’all ever sat backwards in a car on purpose with your seatbelt on? I have. Shout out the whale and I guess Simas too. NEXT! Party bus + Glenwood = the best night downtown. You can be a kid, try finding the fun in each day. Boundaries are a form of self care (thank you to my family systems class for teaching me this one). Fellows is such a deep rooted community and boy am I grateful to be a part of it. Goodbyes are hard, but how beautiful that we get to love people so much it hurts to let them go. It’s kinda funny how God intertwines grieving with celebrating. Still on my concert grind, got to see Simas in his ~element~ (shout out the Moss). All the fellows WILL become golfers… just one at a time. Sarah Creasey came to visit me! Post grad friendships are possible! Daisy 🤝 Christmas sweater. Lastly, I discovered I am most in my element on the dance floor– not sure if anyone is surprised here.

Now we haven’t done an update on each aspect of the program yet, so let’s dive into that. Actually I’d be writing for a while, instead let's just do some highlights of my job instead and fill in the rest later! 

My job! What a joy! I am beyond grateful for my team and for my work placement this year with fellows. Before coming to fellows, we took a lot of time with summer reading and prayer to prepare for work. Learning about the opportunity of work and how God designed His people has been so beautiful. I work as the marketing and communications coordinator for Mission Triangle here in Raleigh. Mission Triangle is a nonprofit that does coaching and consulting for hundreds of nonprofits in the triangle area. They are a christian based organization which has been so cool to bring my faith directly into my work place. I’m not going to lie, when I first started at Mission Triangle, I was worried because I studied health sciences in school and I didn’t feel confident or competent to take on this new role. My boss, Dee, has done an incredible job of building me up, giving me independence to try and learn on my own while still guiding me each step of the way. I have grown so much within the past 4 months with Mission Triangle. Not just professionally, but personally too. I’m learning about collaboration, how important it is being on a team that not only works well together, but likes each other too. I’ve slowly built up my confidence to basically create and manage multiple projects all on my own. I coordinate, collaborate, delegate, communicate, design, and most importantly build relationships with my coworkers. I am the youngest employee in my office by several years, yet the team has done nothing but take me under their wings and support me well! I can actually say I have friends at work, people who have my back in and outside of the office. It is truly a blessing to have a team that not only gets along so well, but pushes one another to Christ. We have a weekly staff devotional time where we come together in scripture and prayer. I am beyond thankful for my time working with Mission triangle as it has shown me such grace and excellence in the work place. Thanks and praise to God for His intentionality in placing me at Mission Triangle and equipping me to do the job well. I am so excited to continue learning and growing my skills professionally in this next year.

Things to know:


  2. Linda May will be the most beautiful bride

  3. Finally found a place to get my haircut in raleigh (aka I’m becoming a local)

  4. More. Sleepovers. More. Sleepovers. 

  5. I LOVE film photos

  6. Don't touch cheap mugs that’ve been in the microwave

What do I want to do with my next semester in fellows (a new year resolution if you will)?

  • Dance at all opportunities 

  • Build deeper one on one relationships with each fellow

  • Go to Sola more often

  • Be disciplined in my sleep 

  • Sabbath

December REPORT: 

R- I’m reading Abba's Child Brennan Manning & Psalms 

E- I’m eating soft scrambled eggs

P- I’m playing Revival by Zach Bryan

O- I’m obsessed with the Megan Wu (you’re my everything)

R- I recommend the radio feature on Spotify

T- I’m treating myself by taking my time to get ready in the morning 

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” – ‭‭Philippians 2:1-2

With all the love, Maddie Roberts



A smidge late, haha my bad yall :/

So November! November was great! Started by going to DC for the National Fellows Conference! Loved it so much and loved getting to see friends from JMU & Young Life! Watching Father David Spickard on stage was so cool, it was basically like having our normal class but he got to tell every other fellow what we’re learning and that was so so special to me!

I finally got a weekend off! It was a much-needed day of rest, I honestly don’t know what I did that day but I know dang well that I slept in reaaaaaal good!

Next weekend we headed off to Ashley’s lake house for a retreat, watched the Dukes lose to App State (big sad, but we still finessed a bowl game), got to hear some great wisdom from Jason Young, and jumped in a freezing lake.

That Monday, before Thanksgiving, was my Birthday, and wow oh wow did the Fellows treat me well, I’d never felt so celebrated in my life! We went down to a food hall in downtown Raleigh and then an arcade bar where a bunch of us fellows entered an air hockey tournament, we didn’t win sadly but it was amazing!

Thanksgiving was great, my mom had back surgery recently and just throughout the week being home she was making great progress, starting to walk without a walker and yesterday she told me she’s feeling comfortable going down stairs now without anyone in front or behind her to watch!

I’m so excited to go home for Christmas and hang with the boys and my family, til next Time!

Hunner Bunner Bun Bun Niestrath



November slipped away like a moment in time


Do you guys know the Lady Gaga quote where she says: “No sleep! Bus, club, another club, plane, next place.” Thats exactly how I felt this month. No sleep! DC, Ashley’s Birthday, Jason Young Retreat, Bunner’s birthday, thanksgiving, hockey game. Although this month was crazy busy, it slipped away like a moment in time. This month was full of laughs, dance parties, late nights, and maybe even a few tears. But hey, that’s life, right?


The Fellows went to DC for the TFI National Conference and we had quite the experience. Let me just say that the TFI Conference was #blessed to hear from THE David Spickard. Even though I had already heard him speak about justice this semester, it was like I was hearing it for the first time again. David, you truly have a gift and I am so glad that you were one of the speakers for the conference. I know everyone learned A LOT.

I also really enjoyed sightseeing and going to different museums with the fellows. We went to the African American and Holocaust museums. Visiting these museums allowed us to have deep conversations about justice and bond with one another on a deeper level.

The highlight of the retreat was getting to see my college bestie, Kate, a fellow at Fourth Pres! I loved meeting fellows from all the different programs and enjoyed being all together for this conference. <3

Jason Young (king)

The BEST retreat so far. Jason is so wise, kind, informative, and hilarious. Jason taught us about holding and carrying pain and how to give it to the Lord. The notes I took from this retreat were lengthy to say the least. I really enjoyed learning from him not only as a fellow, but as a social worker. Hearing a psychologist talk about giving your burdens to the Lord was really powerful for me to learn about. I can’t wait to pick his brain about how to be a believer in his field. I learned a lot from Jason that weekend and I know there is so much more he can teach me.

It was great to be back at the lake of course. Now that we’re actually friends (iykyk), we were able to really let loose with each other and have deep conversations with each other. Thank you Jesus for Lake Gaston!


My favorite class this semester is Just Leadership. As a social worker, it was truly amazing to hear how much the Lord loves justice. God loves justice and so should we. I have taken more notes in this class than I took in most of my college courses. David taught us the different characteristics of just leaders and what scripture says about justice. The class has been super empowering and truly eye-opening. I am really #emo that the class is almost over, but I know that I will carry the content I learned for a lifetime.


Big Carolina Hurricanes fan speaking. I FINALLY got to bring some of the fellows to a Canes game this month and it was truly a BLAST! My king Sebastian Aho scored a goal with 0.7 seconds left in the third period and let’s just say the fellows screamed out little hearts out. Sadly the Canes lost in OT (boo) but don’t worry, we will still support our boys <33

I love you November!





Why Can't I Stop Crying?

This question-as-a-title bit just keeps getting better.

This month was JAM PACKED. We had Meg’s Birthday, the DC Conference, Ashley’s Birthday, my dad visited, LINDA MAY GOT ENGAGED, the Jason Young Retreat, Bunner’s Birthday, I went HOME and so much more. *insert club, another club video here* November was a wild ride full of fun times and fellowship, but also a really hard month for me emotionally. 

As the title suggests, I could not stop crying not one but TWO separate times this month. I did not cry for two years in college, but as soon as I came to Raleigh, the floodgates opened. The first time was due to homesickness. I was struggling with feeling out of place, surrounded by unfamiliar people, and being unanchored to my surroundings. The second time I lost it was at Spiritual Formation, due to some really personal questions and personal answers about building community and friendships. 

Now, why write my blog about these really sad and frankly super vulnerable moments for me?

You are asking the right questions.

Firstly because of honesty. Raleigh Fellows is amazing, I would not trade these people and my experience for anything, but that also doesn’t take away from how hard it has been. I miss my family, my pets, my college friends, my favorite coffee shop (s/o Coffee Cat), and just feeling like I know what’s going on. I am aching for the familiar. I wish I had some inspiring words about these feelings, but I really don’t.

Today, all I can say is someone hit me around the head with a really good bit of truth: I’ve been forgetting the sovereignty of God. Whether it be feelings about myself, group dynamics, what the heck I’m doing, where the time is going, and so, so, so much more, I’ve been much more concerned about my control over it all than how it is all in the hands of God. And that is so much better than it being in mine.

Happy November (three days late),




Treat yo self

To my beloved blog readers, Maddie here (aka to the 1-2 of you that are invested in my experience here in Raleigh– thank you).

We are back with another blog post! It’s about time… I like Raleigh !!! Yay! Been waiting for this one. I think I’ve come to discover that I am really bad with change and I struggle to adjust and get oriented to things. So moving to Raleigh really rocked my world for a while. I can finally say that I am feeling settled, very happy, and actually learning to love Raleigh.

When I first started this fellows program, I knew that it would grow me but I didn't expect how much transformation would happen. Ashley describes it like a toothpaste tube being squeezed so all the toothpaste comes out and gets everywhere. It’s messy and you can’t put the toothpaste back into the tube, you just have to embrace the mess and figure out what God’s trying to clean up within you. I think that about sums up what I’ve been experiencing with fellows so far. SO buckle up, I’ve been learning some deep lessons in November.

What is God teaching me?

I’ve been learning about love. Love for myself and love from God. First, let’s talk about learning about self love. I discovered that I struggle to “treat myself” to things in life. I am not very kind to myself nor do I love myself very well. I feel like if I don’t DO something or achieve something, then I don’t deserve to love myself well. I’m not sure where this skewed and conditional view of love came from, but I’m working on fighting to be kinder to myself and how to be more gentle with myself. One of my fellows recommended that I try to do one nice thing for myself every day. This could look like 5 extra minutes in the shower, buying myself a coffee, an extra 15 minutes of sleep, painting my nails, or going for a walk outside. This has been a hard struggle for me to incorporate into my daily routine. I’m constantly trying to stop the urge to achieve something and prove myself so then I feel like I am deserving of love.

This ties in very closely with the next lesson of love. Love from God. God’s love is unconditional, never ceasing, undeserving, yet freely given. I feel like in the past I’ve always had the head knowledge of this, but could never apply it to the heart knowledge in my life. God is highlighting my skewed view of His love and rewriting it to align with His truth. In my mind, I feel like I have to work to earn His love. Like I have to actually earn His love through my works or actions. But here’s the truth, I don't have to DO anything to receive God’s love. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast.”— Ephesians 2:8-9. So what does this mean for me? I am unconditionally loved by God. I do not have to earn His love. There is nothing I can do to receive God’s love, it is a free gift… I can’t add it or lose it. I do not deserve His love, yet I receive God’s love because of His mercy for me. (Romans 5:8)

So here’s what God says about me:

Madeleine Grace, I know you by name.

Madeleine Grace, I have loved you with an everlasting love. 

Madeleine Grace, I have great plans for you. 

Madeleine Grace, nothing can separate you from My love.

Some things to know:

  1. I took a few personality assessments

    1. My DiSC style is influence

    2. My Stand Out strength roles are provider and connector

    3. My enneagram number is a 2w3

  2. Linda May will be the most beautiful bride (we’re all engaged!)

  3. I MIGHT be a UNC fan…

  4. Mission Triangle has been the greatest work environment

  5. The Patel’s know how to decorate for Christmas 

  6. Stretch before you play in an air hockey tournament (still suffering from some back injuries here)

November REPORT: 

R- I’m reading House of Hades by Rick Riordan & Ephesians 

E- I’m eating toast with blueberry jam (from Maine)

P- I’m playing Peach Fuzz by Caamp

O- I’m obsessed with everything Christmas (music & decorations well before thanksgiving… sorry not sorry)

R- I recommend leaning on your fellows (trust is hard but it is so so good)

T- I’m treating myself by allowing myself to enjoy a few extra sips of coffee 

“Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the Lord has commanded the blessing, life forevermore.” – ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭133‬:‭1‬-‭3

With all the love, Maddie Roberts



November: Nominated, Nostalgic, Needed, Noteworthy, Nifty

Heyyyyy Blog,

I am back with another update on how my time as a Raleigh Fellow has been!!

I have to say this month started on a major high as we celebrated our girl, Meg’s bday🤩 in Alexandria, VA as a pit stop before the TFI National Conference in D.C. (there was even a limo involved)!!

The D.C. trip was a little bit of a roller coaster, but for the purposes of not turning this blog into a book, I will focus on the positives which included an insane dance party, roaming D.C. together, seeing my bestie girl, Maddie, who is doing the Greensboro Fellows program, watching Cheaper by the Dozen 2, and creating space to process hard things that came up with one another🫶🏼. This retreat was also the month that we decided we were going to brush our teeth together every morning and night at retreats and it’s where snuggle-puddles were created. We were also nominated as the “golden retrievers of the conference”, and I’m not sure if it was the hiding under the tables while grabbing people’s ankles or the pitch-perfect riff-off that gave us that title🧐. 

I also had the chance to take some of the Fellows to my happy place, Chapel THRILL, to meet some of my college friends and watch UNC beat Duke for Homecoming in an incredible double-overtime win, literally a heart attack of a game🐏. Ugh, it was truly such a nostalgic experience that made my heart super happy!!! (GTHD)

Then we did a quick turnaround two weekends later as we headed back to the lake house for the Jason Young Retreat, which was much needed and so sweet as it had been 2.5ish months since we had been there, and this time we were actually friends. I really connected with Jason’s teaching and enjoyed learning from him. A couple of noteworthy takeaways for me were the idea of holding vs. carrying our problems and how we are not meant to carry them and the red-tape activity in which we were able to view one another’s brokenness, SO POWERFUL. Super grateful for Jason as well as Mary and the wisdom that they shared so beautifully with us!

To close out, we had two super fun celebratory moments. The first was Bunner’s bday celebration at the nifty Boxcar where we played Guitar Hero, Just Dance, and partook in the air hockey tournament. BUTTT, what has to take the cake for this month is Linda May’s engagement, THE FELLOWS ARE ENGAGED!!!!💍

Key Moments: Meg’s Bday in Alexandria, D.C. Trip, Ashley’s very pink 29th bday💖, UNC Homecoming win vs Duke, Linda May’s engagement, field trip for Just Leadership (got to see Meg’s work🐴), Jason Young Retreat, Bunner bday celebration at Boxcar, Canes game, the start of Secret Santa 🎅🏼

Peace and Love, 

Girl Hunter 💕🤠✨🪩



A Note To My Dad

This month has been jam-packed with all kinds of highs and lows! I’ve felt challenged, sad, joyful, and held in all my emotions by my friends. I couldn’t be more thankful. While there’s so much I could talk about right now, I feel especially led to share some things I’ve learned from my professor, David Spickard, who also happens to be my dad (and now everyone else’s which is so fun!)

I can’t begin to describe the gift it has been to share the space of a fellows class and learn from my dad in this capacity. Over the past few months, I’ve gotten to first-hand experience walking through what it looks like to be a just leader. It’s opened up hard and honest conversations but also opened my heart to the call of seeking justice. In understanding God’s heart for justice, I've gained a deeper understanding of the importance of moving toward others in love and grace. This, I know, leads me to experience more of the fullness of God and have my own needs met. In class, we have walked through the four qualities of a just leader: See the Whole Playing Field, Build Cultural Competency, Give Power Away, Take Bold and Courageous Action. I have wrestled with the way I’ve pursued each of these qualities in my day-to-day life, but I can confidently say I am qualified to be a woman of justice. I am qualified because it is Christ who justifies me, defines my calling, and works through His Spirit within me.

All this to say, I’ve learned a lot from my dad. His own heart for justice and the work he’s doing have impacted me greatly. I’m not even sure he knows the weight of it. So this is my blog for the month, a recognition of my thankfulness for my dad and his leadership, wisdom, and humility. 

Love you lots, Dad,




Thoughts From a Man Without a Car

Let me set the scene….

It’s a typical Tuesday evening on one of the chillier nights of the fall season here in Raleigh. There is a cool breeze over the city and the leaves of the grand oak’s are dancing with it. My belly is warm and full, after a hearty serving of chili simmered excellently by none other than Janet Whited.

After our meal I decide to join some other fellows for a couple games of pickle ball. How am I to resist some much needed activity. I hop in my car and cheerfully cruise to North Hills Park to slap the ball around with some friends. It’s darker than normal, sooner than normal, due to this unusual thing us humans do where we all change the time of our clocks by an hour for some reason none of us understand.

As I arrive I am greeted by fellows and friends, and we begin to play under the bright florescent lights and wispy cirrus clouds. We have some lovely competition, knocking the bright yellow ball back and forth over the awkwardly sized net, too cowardly to be for tennis, and too proud to be for ping pong. A healthy sweat has been broken, and I wipe my brow, content with my motion for the evening. The cold has become sharper, and I look to Gretchen, who has come to spectate shivering, ready to leave, but in need of a ride.

We get in the car, ready to depart, but even more so ready for the release of heat from the vents to bring warmth back to our extremities. As I turn to navigate out of the parking area, my precious vehicle loses all function.

Fast forward 30 minutes and it has been realized that it is going to be out of commission…

My car is dead.

Something that I have gotten to experience this month has been the dedication and practical love of a biblical community. My class of fellows, host family, former fellows, and college friends, all came alongside me and provided very practical help when I really needed it.

Living in Raleigh it really is pretty impossible to be productive without a vehicle. My week of being carless in Raleigh was actually a blessing, and I saw God teaching and reminding me of a few things.

It’s ok to ask for help. I am not someone overly inclined to receiving help, much less asking for it. Being helpless and without a car, God reminded me its ok to rely on my loving community. If I would drive my friends around when they don’t have a car to get around, why would I deny them to help me in my helplessness. This also helped to remind me of my human desire to be capable and do things on my own, and that at the end of the day I have to rely on lots of things, people, and ultimately God. Also that this is not a highlight of my inadequacy, but that it is the blessing of Christ that my burdens need not be carried by me, and that Jesus carries them, while God also places people around me to be cared for by and to care for. I see pretty clearly a picture of Christ’s sacrificial love, in the way my friends went well out of their way to assist me this month.

It’s ok to slow down. In this time without my car, I had significantly more downtime than I have had all of this year so far in fellows. It was rejuvenating to be slow, and I was honestly quite at peace with the whole situation, despite logistical and financial stresses. Being able to get out of a rushed rhythm helped me to focus more on Gods provision and be at peace with my situation, rather than always bouncing from one thing to another, always concerned how I will get each thing done.

My privilege of owning a car and having autonomy. This time also allowed me to reflect on the privilege that I have been blessed with my whole life. I am reminded of all the amazing little and big ways that I am fortunate. All of my immediate needs are met, and the temporary lack of a car at the end of the day is a pretty manageable problem to have when compared to the issues we are seeing in the world today. This month, and so far this year, God has continued to grow my empathy and care for people facing hardships I can’t even begin to imagine. The least we can do out of response to these blessings we have received is to acknowledge and be thankful for them, as well as become knowledgeable and empathetic about the disparity/difference between our experience and others. Then from there we get to move in compassion to try and rectify these differences where we can. In reference to 2 of David Spickards 4 Qualities of a Just Leader, we need to build cultural competency and take bold and courageous action. And we should do all of this as a reaction to Christ’s love.

This got pretty long pretty quick. This is just a tiny snapshot into one part of my month, and only a of the many ways God has been teaching me throughout this month. It has been such a blessing to walk alongside this special group of friends as we all process and learn about the world, ourselves, the God of the universe, and His plan for all of it.

Signing off until next month,




An Account on Suffering & Embracing God's Great Blessing


         Let me start by saying…I can’t believe it’s already been two full months of my experience as a Raleigh Fellow. Maybe this is a common feeling amongst all young & “veteran” adults, but it feels like every year/month/week flies by at a perpetually and gradually quicker pace. October has been chocked full. While I believe this fellowship experience doesn’t fully emulate structure and rhythms of working full-time, it feels like I am working 40 hours. Over the past 8 weeks, I’ve been in the full swing of the fellows course curriculum, aiding my private wealth management team at Wells Fargo Advisors meet end-of-year objectives, and spending time every day to refine a set of healthy, consistent routines to succeed as an adult.

It is easy to emphasize the busyness of a fellow’s schedule. Truly, I find the rhythms and way of life as a fellow to be overwhelming in many aspects. YET I feel convicted in saying that this overwhelmed feeling is mostly coming from a good place. Specifically, October was a tough month for me, but the difficulties I faced have challenged me in ways that continue to inspire me to grow and better myself. In brief, my maternal grandma has dealt with some serious health issues and has been hospitalized for almost 4 weeks. I don’t know what God has in store for my grandma and if she will come through on the other side. It is incredibly tough for me to see here suffer so greatly—very much toeing the line between life and death. I am lucky to be placed in a program near her hospital. However, trying to process my visits with her has not been easy. What I’ve realized in all of this is that I DO NOT have a healthy way of handling tough emotional situations in my life. Especially in the face of highly emotional situations, I tend to withdraw and to shut myself off from the world. I almost can’t believe I can articulate this phenomenon—it feels natural for me to experience a difficult situation, withdraw from the world, face the consequences, and completely erase that a sequence of events from my recollective memory. This specific reaction has occurred enough where it feels normal. I am incredibly blessed that I had professors, TAs, friends, colleagues, and family members who have been compassionate has I’ve (unsustainably) dealt with difficult matters in my own life. This Raleigh Fellows’ year has truly forced to face head on my own weaknesses and blind spots. I am not the only experiencing the suffering that defines this fallen and Sin-laden world. Even more, perhaps more selfishly, I have priorities in life, and I cannot let symptoms of this broken world to derail my experience of life. Simply, I cannot allow suffering of my own or in empathy to dominate my conscious mind and distract my awareness from my own life responsibilities. I wish I had time to fully meditate and reflect upon difficulties I face in my life. Realistically, I believe—rather—it is more important to move forward and find ways to better myself as a person, as a man, and as a Christian. So, I ask not only that you pray for my grandma, but that you also pray for me…that the Lord will provide me a way or better understanding of how to properly balance my empathy and emotions whilst continuing to lead a Christ-centered and fulfilling mortal life.

This may seem abrupt, but I do want touch on another important development in my experience. The following is an account of the blessings I’ve experienced at my marketplace internship. Simply, I am absolutely loving my experience working for Wells Fargo Advisors. The financial world is more of an unknown to me. Yet, I am realizing it is very much a business about people. A particular tenant that continues to prod at me is that my private wealth management team wants to cultivate client relationships that allow for a hug—an embrace of brotherly love and trust in the financial advisors and our team to provide the best financial outcomes for each individual portfolio. Everything my teammates have thrown at me I’ve taken in stride and provided outstanding results in return. This past month I was buried in data entry and organization in Excel of inherited IRA accounts amongst our clientele. Specifically, it was important for me to organize information gathered from our client reports to indicate which accounts are due to have RMDs or how far off to expect RMDs…etc. This work is not easy or quick or fun, and I don’t have a ton of experience in Excel programming, BUT I find it incredibly thrilling to immerse myself fully into the world of finance. In addition, I have been heading up our monthly birthday card/gift procedures for our clientele and tracking new asset flows for the team (i.e., a client deposits X amount for us to invest or hold). Again, I lack knowledge and experience in finance, but I go to work every day eager and excited to learn more while using my skills in systematic thinking, analytical approach, and understanding of the political elements that influence business and commerce. I do not know what the Lord has in store for me after fellows, though I do feel that finance could be another potential career direction for me. Stay tuned for more next month.

         Thankfully in Christ,




On the Road Again!

Gone every weekend:

This past month I’ve been just about anywhere but the Great State of North Carolina and has included:

  1. JMU GreekIV Getaway: Going in I wasn’t super excited for it but I was excited to help Maddie as GreekIV meant so much to her in college and it was a joy to watch her in her element.

  2. Grandma’s birthday: This was a quick in and out trip to celebrate my Gram and spend some quick time with family; Gram is like a second mother to me and it was great to be there and celebrate her, it sadly was the last time I saw my childhood dog Bella who passed away two weeks after this weekend.

  3. Men’s retreat: By this point I was very exhausted from the last two weeks of travel, we also went to the state fair this week which was a total blast! Got to meet Virginia’s boyfriend, Pete, who’s a stud! The weekend was great, big emphasis on confession amongst dudes, time to bond with the guys and actually get to rest some saturday which I wasn’t expecting.

  4. JMU Homecoming/Halloween: Going back to JMU was an absolute blast! I loved getting to see my Box Boys (ROLL TOOLBOX!) and send videos back to the Fellows of my college home, go to the Young Life alumni tailgate and catch up with so many friends, watch the Dukes win again (8-0)! It was bitter sweet to leave but I’m glad to be back in Raleigh.

  5. Currently we’re in DC for the National Fellows Conference, vageuly know what this week/weekend will entail but excited for what the Lord’s got in store!


Dad (AKA David Spickard) in Just Leadership has been great, I wasn’t in the least bit interested about classes this year, I thought it’d be what I despised most about my week but I look forward to his class each and every Friday. In Just Leadership we talk about what Biblical justice looks like and how to live it out, each class continues to open my eyes everytime.


Sleep has always been a bit of a battle for me, but never in the ways I’ve experienced currently. I haven’t had a genuine sleep schedule since I was in high school, and even then I never had a healthy one. But the Lord has taught me to be more deligient and patience in this battle, I’m a night owl and always will be but that part of myself will have to be hidden away for awhile. It’s been easier and easier to fall asleep as time goes on but I’ll always miss my time in college staying up with roomates til four in the morning.

-Sincerely Chai boi Superscrub Bunner Bunah Bunter Niestrath


PSS: Linda May didn’t actually steal my title but she did sit down next to me on the couch and we both had the same title and were geeking out about :)))))



On The Road Again!

Hey, y’all 😀I am writing to you from home sweet home (aka Virginia)! For today’s blog, I will switch it up and give you all a play-by-play into what our day of travel has looked like!

  1. Meg’s Birthday!!!: Y’all. Meg is 23 today?! Meg is so fun and awesome and so cool and I am so very grateful to be friends with her. 

  2. Road Trippin’: It was absolutely beautiful traveling today and being able to see the leaves change and the clear skies (... and also sing All Too Well *the 10-minute version, Taylor version of course*).

  3. Lunch with Mom: We got to meet Viriginia’s (Fellow Virginia, not the state) mom!! … And celebrate Meg, eat pizza, and enjoy cake together! Mrs. Lundeen is so kind and was such a lovely hostess, making us all feel so welcome. 

  4. Exploring: After a long day of travel we stretched our legs and got to enjoy some different parts of DC together! It was SO chilly and I was very bundled up!  

  5. Dinner & Movie: We made it to Safeway (very safely;-)) and are enjoying a fun movie night to celebrate Meg!!!

Today has been so much fun and so much hustle and I feel SO ready to start a great weekend in DC for the National Fellows Initiative Conference. I can’t wait for all that we will learn and memories that are going to be made!! I am so grateful for all of the good moments we have had together so far, and I can’t wait to take on the week ahead with my friends. 

PS- Boy Hunter stole my blog title, please know that I wrote my title first :) you can trust that my word is true, do not believe anything you may see in other blog posts. 

Write to ya soon,




October: Overjoyed, Overwhelming, Open-minded, Obedient, Omniscient, Omnipotent

Heyyyyy Blog, 

October slipped away into a moment of time … 

This past month I have felt overjoyed with my Fellows community and my time in Raleigh!!! After being more settled and getting into a routine, this place has felt more like home🫶🏼. At this point, we have all shared our testimonies and are officially friends, TURN UP!! This group has been so good at having deep and meaningful conversations but also having super fun and chaotic moments together, and that’s always something that I appreciate in friendships. 

A core October memory would absolutely be the fair. This is something that I look forward to every year and getting to experience it with these people was seriously so presh and wholesome. The food, the vibes, the people, NOTHING COULD BE FINER🌽🎡 (also ended this night with Gretchen and Simas after Gretch locked her keys in the car which ended up being one of the most chaotic and fun nights possible, super thankful that they engaged in my antics hehe). 

This past month I was also able to see a lot of my college friends and other friends outside of Fellows and catch up and hear about their lives, which was super refreshing. Finding the balance between old and new friends was difficult when first starting the program, but I’m glad to have a better grasp on it now and so thankful for the old and the new friends! 

October started off overwhelming while I was still navigating change and trying to make time for rest. That in addition to desiring more time with Jesus is something that I have prayed a lot for this month and it has been really sweet seeing God answer those prayers. I’ve also been super thankful for the ways in which my Fellows people (host-mom, Robin and mentor, Rebecca) have helped encourage me through this, super grateful for them💌. 

I’ve also been trying to be more open-minded to what God has for me in the future and through time with Him, really focus on trying to hear what God is telling me. Especially as this relates to grad school applications and being obedient to where He may be calling me after my time as a Fellow. Through these things, I have been reminded of God’s character and especially the ways in which He is omniscient and omnipotent

Thanks for the mems October, November I am ready for you!!!!

Key Moments: UNC football game, Super sweet girls nights, Concerts, THE FAIR, Celebrated our first Fellows bday (VA), Visits with old friends, Wrote my eulogy (yes, you read that right), YAM Holiday-block party, 1989 TV🎤

Peace and Love, 

Girl Hunter 💕🤠✨🪩



Stop & smell the roses

Welllllcome back to the blog!

This will be my second blog post since starting fellows. I’ve officially lived in Raleigh for 2 months now. It has been different than how I thought living in NC would be. The beginning of this month was challenging because I wasn’t sure how much I really liked Raleigh. I had to remind myself to give the city grace because it is new and unfamiliar. As I brought this to God, He reminded me that He wants me in Raleigh for a reason. That He has called me here for a purpose (one that I’m still figuring out), but to trust Him and rest in His presence here.

God has also provided new beginnings and exciting opportunities to make roots. As the month has continued on, I’ve been finding little spots around the city that I love. I’ve felt like I am starting to make this place my own. Sola coffee is my new favorite coffee shop (someone go with me, pls & thank u). Their seasonal lattes are actually the best. I finally found a beautiful outdoor space to be in nature. Shout out the rose garden near NC State! There are so many roses of all varying colors there, plus multiple large trees. I discovered I really like trees. Lastly, I’ve been loving this brew yard called Bowstring. There’s live music there which is something that makes me feel so alive. Also lots of fun draft beers to try (I am now a beer girly as y’all know). Though it is hard, God has been so good to me in Raleigh and He is providing abundantly. It’s been really exciting to find new places in a city that I’m learning to love.  

I also wanted to talk about my friend Meg and her relationship with her father. Her dad, David Spickard is one of the Raleigh Fellows’ professors. He teaches our Just Leadership class which has been one of the most impactful classes I’ve ever taken. David aka “Dad” (the fellows felt this was the only right nickname to give him) is an incredible picture of humility, what it means to not only listen, but to listen well, and how to lead with a heart of justice. David creates a space in class to be vulnerable, real, and challenge societal norms. The way Meg has embraced this unique dynamic is so admirable. I see so much care, togetherness, and leadership in David and Meg’s relationship. It is a beautiful picture of a father teaching and shepherding his daughter (and now us too). It is a relationship I am grateful to observe and be a part of. 

So what am I learning here in Raleighwood?

That’s what the locals are calling it at least (so me, I’m a local). I am learning how to slow down, build margin into my life, and how to be interruptible. This is a lesson I’ve been trying to learn for years now, but I finally feel like I’m really living it out. The fellows have done a great job in affirming me in this belief too. I really try to be present in each moment of my day and take it all in. To intentionally stop, lift my eyes, and pay attention to what God is doing. It kind of feels like I am stopping to smell the roses. Like on the path of life, I am walking slower, leaving more time in the “in-betweens,” not rushing through it, and stopping to appreciate the beauty around me. So I’ll leave this as an encouragement to each of you: A reminder to slow down and rest in His presence.

Now let’s talk about what I discovered in October.

Things to know:

  1. Not only can you kill cockroaches but they can fly

  2. Make sure to check which chipotle leftovers are yours (shout out Linda May)

  3. I really like trees

  4. Hunter is a great road trip buddy

  5. You can dream with God (God cares about your life today & your time on earth)

  6. I’m not as big of a Taylor Swift fan as I thought… the girl fellows go so hard in this

October REPORT: 

R- I’m reading The Enneagram Guide to Waking Up & Psalms 

E- I’m eating toasted plain bagels with cream cheese 

P- I’m playing When I was Younger by Colony House

O- I’m obsessed with going to concerts (4 this month!!)

R- I recommend using clarifying shampoo 

T- I’m treating myself by taking a second to be present and take in the moment

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.” – James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ 

With all the love, Maddie Roberts



God's Fingerprints: October

Hi everyone! In my September post, I introduced the desire to be on the lookout for “God’s fingerprints” throughout my fellows year.  

At one of our October roundtables, we discussed one of our summer reads, Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  One of the particularly striking quotes was “We pray for the big things and forget to give thanks for the ordinary, small (and yet really not small) gifts. How can God entrust great things to one who will not thankfully receive from Him the little things? “.  Once again, it reminded me to be on the lookout for God’s fingerprints over everything: big and small. Ashley shared something she heard once about how we should be able to “rattle off” the ways we saw God in our day.  I loved the verbiage “rattle off” and it renewed my challenge of constantly noting how God is moving around me. 

So I’d like to rattle off some October fingerprints: 

  • I’m seeing how God hand-picked and is weaving our fellows class community together in such special ways. 

    • I especially felt so loved by the fellows in how they surprised me and celebrated me for my birthday. Shoutout girl Hunter and Simas for baking me a bomb flourless chocolate cake and shoutout to everyone for my new squishmellow.

    • The state fair was just FUN and the timing of us hopping on the skylift right as the fireworks went off had to be a good and perfect give from above. 

    • Fellows asking about my chronic back pain, offering me rides, etc. helps me feel the Lord see me and help me. 

    • Monday night girl’s nights have been so special and I’m so thankful for a vulnerable, real, silly time with them. October girl’s nights also meant two nights of roasting marshmallows. 

  • Linda May gets fairy hair (this gets it’s category)

    • A group of fellows and YAM/student ministry leaders attended the Trinity homecoming soccer game. Besides the fact that this homecoming game was soccer and not football, it was unlike any high school homecoming game I’d been to because it included a fair with many tents with activities, games, and food. I noticed one tent with ladies doing free tinsel fairy hair (impermanent sparkle strands). I immediately reported this to Linda May who has been “praying over getting fairy hair for a very long time”. By the grace of God, our very own Linda May was the LAST recipient of free fairy hair.  Not only that, but because of her overwhelming gratitude the generous fairy hair lady gave Linda May EIGHT strands when the other customers only got four. Wow. I could end my God fingerprints here for the month but I’ll keep going.

  • Work 

    • I saw the Lord answer my prayers this month at work. Starting in the role of a medical assistant at NeighborHealth was overwhelming and stressful. There’s a lot to remember and keep track of in a timely and efficient manner. Sometimes the schedules get backed up and the day becomes stressful and long. These days are usually Tuesdays. I vividly remember praying on Monday night over the anxiety I felt about work after having one of those Tuesdays the week before. The next morning at work we had a highly unusual amount of people who did not show up for their appointments which made the day extremely manageable. It’s good for people to come to get care and to be busy and hardworking but I felt the Lord’s blessing on me that morning in letting me have a “breather” and surprising me with an easy morning when I had pictured it anxiety-filled. 

    • I see God’s good and purposeful placement for me in who I’m working with, what I’m learning, and how I’m enjoying my work. I always think about the non-fellows year alternative and feel so unmeasurably blessed for this opportunity that led me to NeighborHealth.

Class/Host fam/Other: 

    • David Spickard took our Just Leadership class on a field trip to Neighbor to Neighbor and I loved seeing what the Lord has done with dreamers who had a heart for people.  

    • The beautiful fall leaves, weather, and sunsets! The Spickards had us over for dinner and I had to pull over three times on the way there to take pictures of the pretty sky and trees. 

    • YAM holiday event - It’s been so fun to get to know the fellows alum/young adults who are involved at Apostles. I see the Lord’s provision in new community.

    • I’ve found my host family home to be such a comfort. I feel especially blessed by Barbie and her gracious care for me and their dog Chip. Both of them have basically become my therapist. I’ve never had a dog and it’s been such a treat to have dog snuggles when I come home. 

Thanks for tuning in for my big and small God winks this month! Every day is a gift!




What are you celebrating?

At work a couple of weeks ago, I was sitting in our weekly corporate team meeting getting nervous about the ways I was going to contribute to the meeting and update my coworkers on all the work I’ve been doing. I was thrown off when my boss started the meeting by asking, “Meg, what’re you celebrating this week?” I hadn’t prepared to answer this question. It struck me that I’m so easily consumed by the busyness and the stressors of my week that I forget what God is doing and how I can celebrate it.

This came up again at Roundtable when we discussed the book, “Life Together” by Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the ways we view community. I realize I can sometimes look for the ways a community is going to serve me rather than carrying a heart posture of thankfulness.

I think this last month has looked a lot like taking a step back to let God in. Now that sounds really nice and the reality is that I’m not doing it well. I get into these zones where I’m go go go and then I finally take a minute to look around. I wish I were better at it. This month has reminded me to slow down, look around, and find things to celebrate.

So here are a few things I’m celebrating…

The fall weather
Seeing two of my favorite artists in concert
Eating corn at the State Fair
Dance parties at Roundtable every Wednesday
My mentor Beth- she’s a gift and a friend I hope to have forever!
Getting to have my dad as my teacher (truly such a privilege and something really special to me)
Piling in the car with the fellows to DC (technically that’s tomorrow but I’m celebrating early!)

While this month was full of activity and fun, I’m learning to recognize that I can celebrate even the simplest of things. God works in the mundane too.

I don’t want to brush over celebrating the horse I got to pet at work, the clouds reflecting God’s intricacies, thoughtfulness, and patience, the conversations that make my day, and the fact that God is with me.

What are you celebrating?

May He bless and keep you,

